Best shortcut key for internet explorer

Best shortcut key for internet explorer
  1. Ctr+Enter = Quickly complete an address. For example, type Yahoo in the address bar and press Ctr+Enter key to get
  2. F5 = Refreshing the current page
  3. ESC = Stop page or cancel the downloading process
  4. Alt+Left Arrow = < Back
  5. Alt+Right Arrow = > Forward 
  6. F11 = Full screen mode
  7. Spacebar = Moves down a page at a time
  8. Ctr+D = Add to favorite 
  9. explore = To enter into the internet explore directly from start - run
  10. Ctr+F = To show only the online member list (Yahoo Messenger)
  11. Ctr+D = Sing out (Yahoo Messenger)


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