Fundamentals of Computer
Fundamentals of Computer Table of contents: 1. Introduction 2. Input / Output & Processing of the Computer 3. Memory device 4. Types of computer 5. Characteristics of Computer 6. History and generation of computer 7. Applications of computer 1. Introduction : The term 'Computer' is derived from the Latin word 'Computare' which means to calculate. C = Commonly O = Oriented M = Machine P = Properly U = Used for T = Training E = Education R = Research Computer is an electronic machine, that process the input data according to the given instruction & gives output as a result. It also saves the result for future use. Computer work as following cycle: Input ➡️ process➡️output 2. Input / Output & Processing of the Computer: INPUT DEVICES • Keyboard • Mouse • Scanner • Digital Camera • Joystick • Pen drive OUTPUT DEVICES • Monitor • Printer • Plotter • Speaker Processing of the computer: (CPU) The most essential part of the co...