Computer shortcut key

Computer A to Z Shortcut Key

Ctrl + A = Select all

Ctrl + B = Bold

Ctrl + C = Copy

Ctrl + D = Font

Ctrl + F = Font 

Ctrl + G = Go to

Ctrl + H = Replace 

Ctrl + I = Italic

Ctrl + J = Justify

Ctrl + K = Hyperlink

Ctrl + L = Align Left

Ctrl + M = Increase indent

Ctrl + N = New file

Ctrl + O = Open file

Ctrl + P = Print document/file

Ctrl + R = Align right

Ctrl + S = Save file

Ctrl + T = Hanging indent

Ctrl + U = Underline 

Ctrl + V = Paste

Ctrl + W = File close

Ctrl + X = Cut

Ctrl + Y = Redo

Ctrl + Z = Undo

Other important shortcut key

Ctrl + ] = Increase font size

Ctrl + [ = Decrease font size 

Ctrl + Enter (⬅️) = Page break 

Ctrl + shift + Enter (⬅️) = Column break

Ctrl + = = Subscript

Ctrl + F7 = Superscript 

Ctrl + space bar = Normal font size change language

Ctrl + ESC = Open start menu

Ctrl + Alt + Del = Open task manager 

Ctrl + Shift + Drag = Create shortcut 

Ctrl + Drag = Copy file

Ctrl + Home = to the top

Ctrl + END = to the bottom 

Shift + Drag = Move file

Shift + F10 = Open context menu

Shift + DEL = Full wipe delete permanently 

Alt + F4 = File/program close 

Alt + TAB = Cycles between open applications 

Alt + F6 = Switch between current program window

Alt + Enter (⬅️) = Open properties dialogue 

Alt + space = System menu for current window 

Functions key

F1 = Help

F2 = Rename selected object

F3 = Find all files

F4 = Open file list drop down in dialogues

F5 = Refresh current window

F6 = Shift focus in window 

F10 = Active menu bar


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