Vitamin and it's types, sources, functions, chemical name, deficiency symptoms and daily requirements
Vitamin Vitamin is organic compound which is totally different from the main nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and, fat), very essential in minute amounts in the diet, whose absence may cause specific deficiency diseases. For normal nutrition and metabolism the body requires certain substances called vitamins. All living beings, plant or animal need vitamins for health, growth and reproduction. There are 13 different types of vitamins have been identified by nutritionists such as A, eight B-complex vitamins, C, D, E, and K. Kinds of Vitamins The vitamins needed for humans are divided into two categories such as water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. A vitamins than can dissolve in water is called water soluble vitamins such as the vitamins B and C. And a vitamin that can dissolve in fat is called fat soluble vitamin such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Fat soluble vitamins A vitamin that can dissolve in fat is called fat soluble vitamin such as vitamins A, D, E and K....